Most Triumphant

Dude - Most TriumphantDude . . . I can’t believe what I just witnessed. It was like a “some” that was full of awe. Like there was this dude – he was all crusty and stuff. He was totally like the old philosophy dude, George Burns . . . yeah; he was like that dude, but only way more non-non-non-heinous. So he was like deckin’ out the deck and suddenly there was like this other dude that broke up the deck deckin’ . . . I was like, “Bummer dude!” He was like, “Gimme those cards crusty old George Burns-like dude.” The Burns-like dude totally kept his cool. He was way smart . . . like a Professor. Then the non-smart dude shuffled the non-non-smart dude’s stolen cards – but not like a normal dude. It was more like a non-smart dude. They were all like upside down and backwards, but it didn’t matter . . . the Professor dude just flicked his cigar and winked his eye. Then the non-smart dude peed . . . right there . . . then I totally saw the cards and they were like not non-normal . . . then I peed. It was Most Triumpant!

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