Double Vision
This is an effect that was originally intended for publication in Stone Cold Magic Volume II (A Book That Does Not Exist). It ultimately became a free trick of the month in June of 2008. It has never been published anywhere else, and this is the first time ever that this story, written over 3 years ago, has ever seen the light of day. So without further hesitation, let us enjoy this month’s issue of The Saga:
Oh great! Is that a pair of Aces or just a Deuce? I’m freakin’ out here. I feel like a coin that has just been Han Ping Chened. I don’t know where I am or where I’m supposed to be. I hate it when the humans get a hold of me. First I’m in Jeff’s hand (which is ok because he’s smooth and gentle with me). Then all of the sudden I’m in Jason’s hand (which is a real bummer, because he’s so rough and coarse with me). He’s always bending me and flicking me and scratching me. Anyway, I’ll stop complaining, but I just need some help figuring out where I am. I keep getting bounced back and forth between rough (Jason) and smooth (Jeff). So if you know where I am, let me know. Everything’s a big blur. I’ve got Double Vision, and I’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life.
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