Counterfeit Cards

As he came to, his head was spinning. He had a vague recollection of a vision of a pair of Twos and the King of Clubs. As he slowly regained consciousness, he began to feel more and more out of place. “I feel like I’m surrounded or being watched, but I feel like I’m watching myself. It’s like I’m everywhere.”

Suddenly the shocking truth set in. “I’m in a Force Deck. I’m surrounded by 51 other King of Heart cards. They’re just like me.” The Twos and the King of Clubs had Dethroned the unfair King of Hearts and banished him to the endless hell of being 1 copy of 52 duplicate cards that a spectator will choose.

Every day he dreams of being the one King of Hearts that the spectator will choose, and everyday, he is disappointed. He has become anonymous. Although the Twos and the King of Clubs removed him from the throne, he knew that the Aces were behind the whole thing. How else would he end up inside of a force deck?

Everyone knows that a force deck is merely a way to launder cards. The King of Hearts is now forced to live out his days in misery, but often he dreams of catching the Aces and destroying them, thus putting an end to the Counterfeit Cards.

How entertaining was this “episode”:

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