Burnin’ Time Too

Burnin' TimeThis is the second time I’ve done this . . . written a saga story for a trick, then later wrote another one for the same trick. I did that for Miser’s Nightmare:

This time, I was even more bone-headed because in April 2011 (last month), I wrote Burnin’ Time. Then this month, I wrote it again. At least last time there was a 2 month gap. This time there was only about a 3 week gap. Who knows what’s going on in that little brain of mine. And of course reading The Saga stories won’t help to answer that question. I think it only makes it worse.

I have to give myself this credit at least: when I forget that I’ve already written a Saga story, I really forget. Compare the two Miser’s Nightmare stories or compare the two Burnin’ Time stories. You’ll see that they pretty much have nothing in common with each other. Crazy. Once I realized that I’d already written one, I decided to go ahead and recycle the image I created for the other story as well. Anyway, hopefully you’ll enjoy this version of Burnin’ Time too.

On to The Saga:

“Are you telling me that you built a time machine . . . out of a DeLorean?”

No . . . that would be ridiculously contrived, but it would likely make a really could movie trilogy. In fact we could probably cast Christopher Lloyd as a wide-eyed-almost-mad scientist who creates the time machine. We could cast Eric Stoltz as the main character who plays the part of the love-able teenager who is friends with the mad scientist. Of course about half-way through filming, however, we’ll likely realize that our first choice of Michael J. Fox is better and we’ll go back and re-shoot all of the footage to replace Eric with Michael . . . but anyway . . . now you’ve got me on a tangent.

The point I was trying to make is that I built a time machine into a book of matches – which, by the way, is much more realistic than a DeLorean. Look man . . . I’m stuck here in the past talking about how I got here. I need to stop Burnin’ Time and get Back to The Future . . .

Hey . . . that’s a great name for . . . nevermind

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