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Tarot Below Zero

Have you looked at those things!? They claim to come from some alternate dimension . . . the E-Verse or something like that. A place where the magicians are supposedly better and more hip. Though I knew something was wrong when I saw the first performance by some guy who …

New E-Book On The Way!

New E-Book From Jeff Stone Thank you (both of you) for all of the inquiries about when my next project will be out. I still can’t answer that question, but I can tell you that it will be another e-book. Those seem to strike a nerve with a majority of …

Mental Monopoly

Introduction By Jeff Stone Recently the Sale Lake City Magi were treated to a lecture by Danny Archer. I’ve been a fan of his for quite some time. I really admire the way he thinks and so I was very excited to meet him. His lecture was fun and entertaining, …