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Little People

If you can remember way back when to the days when I released my Stone Cold Magic DVD, you may remember the effect Little People which was also the Free Trick of the month in August 2009. On the DVD, the original artwork shown for this effect was later used …

The Mechanic

I have a good friend who is an amazing mechanic. At least 4 or 5 thousand times a day, someone will discover that he’s a mechanic and ask him a question about a car problem that they’re experiencing. He always has a good answer and some good direction and advice …

The Three Stooges

Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk . . . Whoop, Whoop, Whoop . . .No . . . not those three stooges. I’m talking ’bout the kind make many of us cringe – though, arguably, the aforementioned stooges may also make many of us cringe. So, do you use stooges?I personally don’t. Am …