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Hey Magician! Head’s Up!

Some Guy: Hey remember that one guy that did that one thing that one time on that one T.V. Show? Other Guy: What guy did what when?   Some Guy: You know the guy with the Liver spots on the top of his head! Other Guy: Oh yeah. That guy! …

Simple Social Media Tips For Magicians

Obviously in today’s world, you’ve got to stay connected if you want to stay in business. Of course, the major players are Facebook and Twitter. There are others, but we’ll focus on these two. Your goal is to drive traffic to your site. So the whole process comes down to …

Magic is a Drug and Drugs are Dangerous

A couple weeks ago, Derrick Welling and I were sharing 42 pounds of pig and beef at Famous Dave’s; as often happens when two Magicians share 42 pounds of pig and beef at Famous Dave’s, the subject turned to magic. But this time was different. I had an epiphany of …