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People are Takin’ Notice

Official Reviewer: Well, it’s official. Yours truly is now an official reviewer for My Lovely Assistant. Check out their site. They are strictly a review site. They do not sell any products, and they do not recommend any dealer over another. All opinions are left to the reviewers. There are …

One-Eyed Jack Sandwich

Described By Jeff Stone Can I just say, that I’m a huge fan of Harry Lorayne. I’ve been doing material from his books for years. Just to name a few: One-Eyed Jack Sandwich Any Four Of A Kind Magic Square (in my stand up act) Red & Black Fantasy Impromptu …

Overcoming Objections

Overcoming Objections By Jeff Stone Do you have any friends in sales? Are you in sales? Have you read any sales books? If any of the above apply to you, then you know that the number of people who say “No” is much greater than the number of people who …