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What’s My Motivation?

What’s My Motivation? By Jeff Stone We’ve all seen the scene in a movie where an actor playing the role of an actor says the line, “What’s my motivation?” We’ve all mocked that actor’s character as well. However, as silly or cliche as the line is, it’s a valid question; …

Trickless Wonders

Trickless Wonders By Brad “Scarnecky” Gordon As magicians, and magical enthusiasts we have a unique advantage over others. Inside of many social situations or circumstances we are regarded by our peers as being able to do things that are quite special (magical). Having said that I am reminded of a …

Spectral Chill

The is effect can be found in the Bonus Section of my DVD Stone Cold Magic. It’s probably one of my all time favorite effects… Super creepy and really gives people the chills. Here’s the story originally written for the book version which was never published: The joker will be …