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Shimshi or Slap Jack

This month I played and I mean played with a new twist on the Las Vegas Leaper by Paul Harris.  The version is Shimshi’s 10-13-20. I was never a fan of the Las Vegas Leaper because it seemed pointless to me considering it has no plot to speak of.  Well …

Fake it ’til You Make It

So there you are . . . waiting to meet with your first potential client. You’re nervous. You’re not sure what to say. “What if she asks me a question I can’t answer,” You wonder to yourself. What do you do? Do you work your way through it, or do …

You are The Method

You like my awesome prop? It’s like colorful and has these three colored balls, and this cool lookin’ Joker-face-box thing with this awesome white tube. It’s awesome! And then I can put the balls in this clear tube and stuff. Ok, fine, I’ll admit it, the Stratosphere effect is a …