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Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut . . .

Effect: Due to his violent reaction to peanuts and some distant memory about his toothless grandmother’s peanut dish filled with formerly chocolate covered peanuts, the magician magically extracts the peanut from a peanut M&M leaving only a “regular” M&M. Method: My gut tells me that you already have worked out …

Be Magical

Recently my wife, Tiffany, started a new business with my daughter. It’s centered around healthy living and lifestyle. This same wife (as if I have more than one), is also the mother of my 5 children. Needless to say, a stay at home mom with 7 people to do laundry …

Performing New Material

Note From Editor As many of you know, Jay Sankey recently released his 3 volume tome, The Definitive Sankey. I’ve actually read volume I and II from cover to cover and I’m about a fifth of the way through volume III. It’s a compilation of 600 effects, tons of essays, …