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Really? A top Hat and a Cape!?

Does your business card have a any of the following items on it: Rabbit Magic Wand Magic Hat A Trail of Stars There are others, but these are among the worst offenders. Let’s break the mold folks. I think we’re all tired of the cliches and stereotypes surrounding us. It’s …

Grow a Personality

Ok . . . whether you’re a metal head (like me) or a fan of quiet and peaceful relaxing mouth harps (like not me), I want you to watch/listen to the two YouTube videos below. You may or may not appreciate the type, style, sound, etc., but please force yourself …

What’s the Deal With The Down Under Deal

Radar of a spectator is the last thing you want to be “on.” Before we get to that, first a brief treatise on the Down Under Deal, and I do mean brief. Take a small packet of cards, say eight. Hold them face down in the dealing position. Then deal …