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Gemstones on Track

Clever 8! You guys wiped us out. We have completely run out of stock on Clever 8. It will be back soon, however it will be in a different medium, if you know what I mean. Yep you guessed it. We’re producing a Clever 8 DVD. More details next month. …

Torn and Restored, Guaranteed!

Effect: A card is chosen, signed and torn into 4ths, 8ths, whatever. You mention that the Joker has a guarantee on it. On the back of your joker, you show a stamp and an address to the USPC company. You place the joker and the torn pieces into the card …

Who Needs a Magician Anyway?

Who Needs a Magician Anyway? By Jeff Stone Have you ever said this, “Here’s my business card. You know, in case you ever need a magician.” I’ve said that. I’m not proud of that, but I have done it. The problem is that nobody knows who needs a magician. Does …