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frixion pens

Frixion DVD!

Brand New DVD! You heard right folks . . . A Frixion DVD. My E-Book, Stone Frixion Fire, is by far and away the all time best selling Stone Cold Magic product, so we’ve decided to do a Frixion DVD. My consultants and I have been experimenting over the past …

Money To Burn

I really can’t believe I’m doing this. What you are about to read is right out of my latest e-book, Stone Frixion Fire. This is one of the many ideas you’ll find in this book. The book, for the unfamiliar, is entirely dedicated to ideas and effects that can be …

Coming Soon!

Lectures There is a slight possibility that I’ll be doing a mini lecture tour in July. I’m still working out the details. If you think your club might be interested, check out my lecture site. Stone Frixion Fire Keep your eyes peeled for this one. My latest E-Book will be …