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free magic tricks

Shimshi or Slap Jack

This month I played and I mean played with a new twist on the Las Vegas Leaper by Paul Harris.  The version is Shimshi’s 10-13-20. I was never a fan of the Las Vegas Leaper because it seemed pointless to me considering it has no plot to speak of.  Well …

Social Magic

No . . . it’s not a new form of government . . . No . . . it’s not a political ideology . . . No . . . it’s not a bird, plane or superman . . . It’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs and Youtube. That’s right folks …

Another Contest and More Free Stuff

Free Magic For Life – Again! Hey folks! It’s time to give away another Free Stone Cold Magic Products for life membership. The last time we did this, the participation was excellent. Let’s up the ante and spread the fun. The prize is (as before) any product in our current …