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Free Magic DVDs and E-Books

Free Stone Frixion Fire! Yep. You read correctly. You want a free copy of my latest DVD, Stone Frixion Fire? It’s yours. Of course there’s a catch, but it’s easy. All you have to do is post a review of the DVD. Order the DVD from Stone Cold Magic. Post …

Brand New E-book and Huge Sale!

Brand New Stone Cold Magic Site: This has been a crazy month! Probably the biggest news is the brand new Stone Cold Magic site. I’ve been working on this thing F.O.R….E.V.E.R.!!!!!! It’s finally done. It’s a totally new layout and design… much easier to manage (good for me), and automatic …

Other Sites

Gemstones Teaser: Due to the holiday rush, and a few circumstances beyond my control, Gemstones has not quite made it to the replicators. However, the master is done, and should be off to the replicators in January 2009. Hang in there gang. Thanks for your patience. Here’s some exciting news, …