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You Don’t Wanna Know

You know that moment . . . the moment that your Raven gimmick doesn’t get snagged, and the quarter that was – a moment ago – on the spectator’s hand is now completely gone . . . that moment when the dude formerly holding the coin blurts out a blast …

Keep Your Eye On The Joker

Effect The Joker visually and instantly becomes the four Aces. – View Video Performance Performance Place the Joker face up on the table.  Place all four Aces face up in the left hand in dealer’s grip, but hold a pinky break beneath the top two cards.  Ask the spectator to …

Fishbowl Marketing

You are about to enter the world known as The Stone Cold Journal. Very few people have had the honor, and most people who have usually end up a wee bit crazy when it’s all over. So what am I talking about? I’m a big fan of the concept of …