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How to Create Magic

It’s a fish . . . now it’s a car . . . it’s a boot now. Now it’s becoming a pillow . . . What, you may wonder, in the world is Jeff talking about. The above monologue is actually a quote from my 8 year old nephew. I …

Demonic Pens

Evil Has Infiltrated Stone Cold Magic Yep. You heard it hear first folks. Jeff Stone’s latest product, Stone Frixion Fire, is a product of the Devil. I found a thread on some non-magic forum that claims that Frixion pens are evil. Bizarre folks . . . Truly Bizarre. Facebook and …

Scarnecky Opener

Introduction By Jeff Stone I’ve known Brad for about 15 years now . . . maybe longer. In all that time, I’ve learned one thing . . . Brad looks great in a French Beret. Ok . . . I guess I’ve learned a few things. One such thing being …