Other Sites

Gemstones Teaser:
Due to the holiday rush, and a few circumstances beyond my control, Gemstones has not quite made it to the replicators. However, the master is done, and should be off to the replicators in January 2009. Hang in there gang. Thanks for your patience.

Here’s some exciting news, however. With the purchase of Gemstones, when it becomes available, you will have access to a website specifically for people who own the DVD. Much of the content is password protected, but the password comes with the DVD. I will be doing this with all future DVD projects.

The site will contain alternate handling ideas, bonus effects, downloads of props needed to perform some of the effects. The site will constantly be updated so that the DVD will live on with updated content always available online.

The site is live now. You can see a teaser of the DVD, but it is still not available for purchase yet.

Check it out: Gemstones Site

Stone, Frixion, Fire Update:
So much for my ability to predict the future. I thought that Stone, Frixion, Fire would be available in December… not quite. Thanks again for the patience. Hang in there.

Clever 8:
The Clever 8 sale is now over. The official e-book is now selling at it’s regular price of $24.95. Also, for those who have purchased the hard copy, we’ve got good news.

Get The Stone Cold Magic E book Before the Price Goes Up!
As a test, I released an ebook containing 9 of the 17 effects from my Stone Cold Magic DVD. The test was to offer it at a large discount and apply the price to the DVD for those who later may purchase the DVD.

Rather than bore you with the details of the test, I’ll just give you the punch line. The test is over. As of January 16th, 2009, I will no longer be offering the E-book for $6.99. The price will be going up to $19.95. Also, at that point, the price of the Ebook will no longer be applied to purchase price of the DVD.

So if you want to get the ebook for only $6.99, and would like the cost to be applied to a future purchase of the Stone Cold Magic DVD, then order now! On January 16th, 2009, this deal will no longer exist. Anyone who purchases before then will be entitled to the $6.99 credit toward the DVD provided that they purchase the DVD sometime in 2009. After that, it’s over.

I will, however, continue to give it away for free with the purchase of the DVD.

Get the E-Book now for only $6.99.

Elmwood Magic:
I just wanted to take a minute and recognize someone who is a huge asset to the magic community. His name is Paul Richards. I met Paul about 12 years ago at a convention in Connecticut. You, likely are familiar with his website, www.elmwoodmagic.com. Elmwood has a ton of great original products.

One of my all time favorites is Balloon-a-trick.  There are many, many, many more. I just wanted to make everyone aware of a great magic site and creator out there, Paul Richards. Check out the Elmwood Family of Sites:

I’ve got other sites you know:
Finally for those who are interested, I do have a few other sites out there.

Check out my My Space page for a more personal view and less magical view of Mr. Stone Cold Magic.

Check out my You Tube page.

Check out my Face Book page to meet a bunch of other magicians and even some people I went to High School with.

On my Blog, you can read my rants about everything from recent gigs to the inner dialogue of the Ace of Spades.