New DVD Project

Whew… what a month.

We Bought It!
Well we’ve got some big news this month. As you may remember, we reviewed Brad Gordon’s manuscript, Clever Eight, in the February 2008 issue of the newsletter. Then last month, it became available for sale. Back in February when the review was done, there was no plan for Stone Cold Magic to sell the manuscript.

However, once it became available a month later, we decided to offer it on the Stone Cold Magic website. Well after offering it for a few weeks now, Stone Cold Magic has decided to purchase the rights to it. Brad Gordon’s Clever Eight manuscript is now owned by Stone Cold Magic, and for the time being is only available through the Stone Cold Magic website, and Brad Gordon’s Blog, and that’s it.

I told you I loved this book!

It’s a 35 page coil-bound manuscript loaded with clever ideas, excellent patter ideas, and downright sneaky and baffling magic. All purchases before 11:59 PM on April 16th, 2008 will receive a free 2 card force deck (Valued at about $7.50). As always, free international shipping. Get your copy now!

New DVD Project:
It’s official. We’re heading back to the studio next month. I’ve got some brand new material that I’ve been work-shopping and testing over the past year, and there is some killer visual stuff coming. Plus some amazing fresh techniques for vanishing items that will blow your mind. On top of that there are some “object to impossible location” effects that will change the way you think about playing cards and dollar bills.

Filming begins next month. The project is slated to release late summer/early fall.

Ask the Team:
Due to the success of the newsletter and the loyalty of our gracious readers (that would be you), we’re constantly growing and improving things based on feedback. We’re considering adding a section to the newsletter for answering questions. The idea would be to have you email us any questions about anything regarding magic, getting gigs, practice, audience management, anything…

You send in the questions, and we’ll answer them immediately via email, but we will also publish them in a future issue of the newsletter.

So as a test this month, email us any questions about anything regarding any aspect of magic… I’ve got enough people on my team that we can definitely give you some solid answers. Send your emails to

“The only thing constant is change.” I love that saying. It’s so true. As mentioned above, there are some changes in the works for the newsletter. In order to make the best changes for you, the reader, we need your feedback. You can really help by doing two simple things:

  1. Take the time to “like” the articles that have the five star image. At the bottom of each article, you will find a place to “like” the article. You merely need to click on the appropriate star (1 to 5).
  2. Email us your most favorite and least favorite columns:
    • Stone Cold Magic News
    • Free Magic Trick
    • Gems and Rubble (reviews)
    • No Stone Left Unturned (Magic Business info… getting gigs, etc)
    • Roots and Branches (Basics and how to apply them)
    • The Full Montoya (psychology and magic)
    • The Saga (Funny one-paragraph stories and pictures)

Any feedback at all is welcome; newsletter layout, content, etc. Any suggestions are very useful. What do you like; what do you hate; what would you change; is there something we’re not doing that we should be; is there something we’re doing that we shouldn’t…

Thank you for your willingness to help. Enjoy the rest of this month’s issue.

-Jeff Stone
And The Stone Cold Crew