Frixion is Almost Here!

Frixion DVD Update

Well folks, it’s official, the Stone Frixion Fire DVD is filmed, edited and being replicated as we speak. I should be done before April 15th. As soon as I’ve got it, you’ll be the first to know. Also, if you haven’t watched the trailer yet, you can see it on youtube here: Stone Frixion Fire Trailer. As I mentioned in a previous email, make sure you post a comment. If you do, you’ll be entered into a contest to win a free copy of the DVD. You’ve got until April 1st, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST.

Got Something To Say?

We’re looking for talented writers here at Stone Cold Magic Magazine. If you’ve got an idea for an article or you want to write one, email me with the details. You just may find your article in an upcoming issue. Also, feel free to send in any questions. We may publish the question and answer in an upcoming issue.

Check Out This Magic Store

A few months back I lectured in Leawood, Kansas where I met a great group of magi from all ages and all walks of life. I met a super nice guy named Eddie Pease who set everything up and was my driver for anywhere I needed to go. You might remember my airport security incident where I lost my cap gun. Eddie drove me all over town looking for a cap gun. So first, Eddie if you’re listening, thanks! You made the experience in Kansas that much smoother. Eddie also happens to run a magic store called Mindgames and Magic. Make sure you take a minute to stop by.

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