Glowing Review by Dean of McBride School of Magic and Mystery

Review By McBride Magic TVLarry Hass Reviews Stone Frixion Fire

At this point, you’re probably aware (since I announced it in a separate email) that Larry Hass, Ph.D. gave a glowing review of my Frixion book. You can view that review by clicking on the video icon. In honor of his glowing review I’m offering a 33% discount on the e-book that expires this Wednesday (9/14/11). Check it out here: Stone Frixion Fire

Brain Dump

Currently the working title on my latest book project is Brain Dump. It’s a fitting title certainly and was suggested to me by my friend and fellow magi when I told him that this book was basically a brain dump of all of my mentalism, mind, psychology ideas in my journals. He replied with, “that’s a good name for the book.”

He’s probably right. However, if you’ve got a better title, I’m all ears. Post your titles suggestions in the comment box below. If I use your title you’ll get a free copy of the book when it’s done. It’s coming along nicely. I’ve got a ton of writing done. The hope is to release the book mid to late fall. Right now, the only plans are to release it as an e-book.

Other Projects

Likely, “Brain Dump” will be the only other release (besides Tarot Below Zero) this year. However, I’ve got a few things in the works for next year. I’ll keep you posted as things progress. I’ve got a couple of other non-magic books that I’m co-authoring as well. One is sort of magic related . . . it’s a magic-centric novel. Additionally I’m working on a co-author quasi-religious series of books and a solo authoring of another quasi-religious book. Those three non-magic projects will take me into next year for sure.


Many of you visit this site strictly for the reviews. I’ve developed quite the reputation out there of not being afraid to speak the truth no matter whose feelings I hurt. I should just point out, briefly, that my intentions are not to hurt feelings, only give the truth. If my rhetoric has been insulting I truly am sorry. I’m just seeking the truth and offering you loyal readers some guidance on where you spend your hard-earned money. More recently I’ve been very careful attempting to be more diplomatic toward the creator (not the creation). I’ve adopted the love the sinner, not the sin kind of attitude.

If any of you out there are creators, and would like your material reviewed on the site I’ll happily add you to the stack of stuff, and because you’re a loyal reader, I’ll bump your products to the top of the list . . . and it’s a darn big list by the way, so if you’ve recently released something and want a review relatively quickly, let me know.

You can mail the product here:

Stone Cold Magic Magazine Reviews
3367 South 6400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah

For virtual products, you can email them to me here:
Product Reviews Email


Stone Cold Magic Magazine has been publishing monthly ever single month (sometimes a little late) since July of 2007 . . . That’s over 4 years! Over the years we’ve had some excellent guest columnists:

  • Jay Sankey
  • David Acer
  • Harry Lorayne
  • Danny Archer
  • Don Theo III
  • Geoff Williams
  • Oliver Meech
  • “Grandpa” Chet Cox
  • Cameron Francis
  • Dan Paulus
  • Brad “Scarnecky” Gordon
  • Donny Orbit
  • Diamond Jim “The Cardslinger” Davis

Just to name a few. If you’d like to add your name to this prestigious list, send me a brief email explaining what column you’re most interested in contributing to:
Guest Columnist Email

Tarot Below Zero

Tarot Below Zero/Spectral Chill was written up in the August Issue of Magicseen Magazine . . . The one with Richard Sanders on the cover. You can subscribe to Magicseen at Lybrary.


Finally, you may have noticed that in the top right navigation is a new link for Testimonials. You’ll find a small sample of some of the happy customers, friends and reviewers of Stone Cold Magic products. I’ll keep updating this so make sure you check it out on a regular basis.