Frixion DVD!

Brand New DVD!

You heard right folks . . . A Frixion DVD. My E-Book, Stone Frixion Fire, is by far and away the all time best selling Stone Cold Magic product, so we’ve decided to do a Frixion DVD. My consultants and I have been experimenting over the past several months, and we’ve got a ton of killer new ideas. There are even a couple of breakthroughs in how the ink can be used that nobody else has thought of (that I know of . . . up to this point). We’re hitting the studio this Friday (2/5/10). For those unaware, Frixion Pens are pens that have temperature sensitive ink. There are a million things you can do with that concept. In the E-Book, I share about 30 or so ideas. This month’s free trick, (Fri)X(ion)Marks The Spot is taken right from the Stone Frixion Fire E-Book.

Like Gemstones, this DVD will also have a dedicated website that gives you access to updates and further ideas. Trust me folks, this is one you won’t want to miss!

Gemstones Site

Speaking of the Gemstones Site, I’ve completely updated it. This is a site that’s free for anyone who has purchased the Gemstones DVD. The DVD comes with the password, so you don’t have to buy it from Stone Cold Magic. You can get it anywhere, and you’ll have full access to the site. I’ve streamlined and clarified the login process. I’ve updated the Visa 2.0 prop download and a few other things. Check it out gang. If you don’t already have Gemstones, get it!


Stone Cold Magic Magazine is currently going through an overhaul. I’ve been working day and night on some back-end streamlining, and part of that will necessitate a change in the layout and design of the site. So I figure if you’re gonna go, why not go big. Thus, the February 2010 issue of Stone Cold Magic Magazine will be the first volume with the completely brand new look. Be excited . . .

Meat Blog

On a totally unrelated note . . . completely non-magical . . . if you’ve ever struggled with losing weight, then you might be interested in following my daily journal of my dietary adventures. I’m keeping a daily log of my success/failure on the Atkins Diet. Check it out here and please feel free to post comments: Eat Meat and Live.
Enjoy the rest of the issue!


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