Demonic Pens

Evil Has Infiltrated Stone Cold Magic

Yep. You heard it hear first folks. Jeff Stone’s latest product, Stone Frixion Fire, is a product of the Devil. I found a thread on some non-magic forum that claims that Frixion pens are evil. Bizarre folks . . . Truly Bizarre.

Facebook and Stone Cold Magic Magazine Together at Last

We’ve upgraded the magazine site to integrate with Facebook and Twitter. Now you can “like” an article and comment on it, and it will automatically be shared with all your Facebook friends. You can also, just with the click of a button, tweet any article to share with your social media network.  Please take advantage of these new tools and share the magic and information. It’s free, and there are so many magicians out there who haven’t heard of us. We could use your help in spreading the word!

Win Free Stuff – 2 Contests

To encourage participation in Stone Cold Magic Magazine Socializing, I’m holding two contests . . . The prize is a deck of Mandolin Back Bicycles and one free DVD (you choose)

There will be a total of 10 winners!

Contest #1 – Facebook

Everyone who posts a comment/reply in the facebook comment/reply section will be entered into a drawing. Five names will be drawn to receive a free DVD and a deck of Mandolins.

Detailed Contest Rules»

Contest #2 – YouTube

I’ve posted a new video on YouTube. Comment on it and “like” it and you’re in the drawing. That’s it!

Detailed Contest Rules»

And to answer your question, yes, you can win both contests. You cannot, however, win twice on one contest. So you can win one time only for the Facebook contest and one time only for the YouTube contest.

Kingside Castling is back

And finally . . . in this issue, Kingside Castling from Jay Sankey’s Underground Jam is back by popular demand. You can now get it just as an instant download for only $3.99, or you can get the full color booklet along with the specially printed cards you need for only $19.95.

Enjoy the rest of this month’s issue, and don’t forget to Comment/Reply, Like and Tweet!

  • Comment/Reply must be on an article from the June 2010, July 2010 and/or August 2010 issues
  • Comment/Reply must be completed before September 30, 2010
  • Each Comment/Reply equals one entry
  • If you make 40 Comments/Replies, then your name will be entered 40 times
Powered by Hackadelic Sliding Notes 1.6.5

  • You must be a subscriber to my YouTube Channel
  • Post a comment on my new video on YouTube before September 30, 2010
  • 5 random numbers will be chosen. The posts that match the numbers win!
  • The more comments you make, the better your chances to win are.
Powered by Hackadelic Sliding Notes 1.6.5