It’s All Comin’ Together . . .

Frixion DVD Update

We made it to the studio – a little behind schedule, but we made it. The post production work was supposed to have happened this past week. I’ll be checking in on March1st to see how much progress they’ve made. The companion website for the DVD has been started. There’s still a bit of work to do on it, and since it’s mostly password protected, there’s not much to see, but here it is in case you’re curious: Stone Frixion Fire Companion Site. We’re still shooting for a March 2010 release date. I’ll keep you posted as we go along. I’ll be giving away 10 free copies of the DVD when it’s first released. It will be a random draw of email addresses from those who are subscribed to the mailing list.

If you’re not currently subscribed, just look to your left at the top of the sidebar. Just enter your name and email address and hit “Sign Up” and you’re done. You’re on the list and in the drawing.

Many changes comin’

There are a lot of things comin’ down the pipe for Stone Cold Magic and Stone Cold Magic Magazine. The first thing I needed to do to prepare for the changes was some pretty heavy-duty back-end modifications to the site. While doing that, I also updated the look of the site. I don’t even want to tell you how many hours went into this. It was ridiculous. Anyway, it’s all done for the most part. Some of the changes messed up some of the formatting of some of the older articles. We’re gettin’ there though. Now that the new structure is in place, you’ll start to see the rest of the changes soon. What are they? Sorry folks . . . it’s still all very mysterious . . .

Share The Magic

Hey gang, please take the time to share this magazine with your fellow magi. You can do that by forwarding the newsletter email, recommending they check out the main site, or by clicking on the “Share This . . .” link at the bottom of each article. This will allow you to use your favorite social media venues to share the magic.

Tarot Book

Last, but not least, I’ve been talking and talking about my upcoming Tarot project. Being sick and filming and rebuilding this site killed my February. However, I have made a good deal of progress in January and even a little bit in February. We’re gettin’ closer folks. Hang in there. It will be the next release after the Frixion DVD. I’ll be giving away 10 free copies of this book as well . . . random email draw.

Thanks for the support . . . Enjoy the rest of the newsletter.

Jefferson Stonewall Jackson

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