Man in the Mirror
Man In the Mirror
By Jeff Stone
Michael Jackson had a great song called Man In The Mirror. Believe or not, I had this title and rough draft of this article scheduled about 3 weeks ago. I mention this only because it was just last week that MJ passed away. A bit of a strange coincidence that I chose this title 2 weeks before his passing. So let us continue on with our regularly scheduled episode of Roots and Branches. If you don’t like that, then you can just Beat It. What! You Wanna Be Startin’ Something? Now Who’s Bad?!
Ok… that was awkward . . . So why the heck is this article called Man in The Mirror? Simple. I recently was watching a copy of Aaron’ Fisher’s Panic, and after watching it, I began reading a thread about it on The Magic Cafe. The thread mentioned that it takes a lot of mirror work to get the illusion to work correctly, but once you get it, it’s beautiful. As crazy as this may sound, I have not done mirror practice in a long time. Too Long. This thread on The Cafe reminded me of a very important root that I have neglected.
Let’s remember our roots. This month’s root: Mirror Work. Ultimately, mirror work isn’t entirely fool-proof or entirely angle-proof. These days with video cameras being so cheap, you can get a lot better feedback from a camera. However, mirrors are instant feedback. You can look in the mirror and get immediate feedback for many many sleights and moves. For example, if you are working on a pass, this is a great place to start. What about a retention vanish with a coin or a rub a dub vanish with a card. These are all effects that can be greatly improved by starting with mirror work.
As always, I try to keep this column simple and to the point. We all know about mirror work, but I can’t imagine that I’m the only guy who has let that slide over time. I used to spend hours in front of a mirror practicing Paul LePaul’s Invisible Turn-Over Pass and other moves. I haven’t done that for years.
Lately, I’ve been trying really hard to rekindle that student spirit that I had back 15 or so years ago when I really became a serious student. I read everything. I practiced everything. I performed (for myself) everything! I really believe that many of us have Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ when it comes to our roots, especially our roots as a student.
Let’s build our branches. Your challenge for the month of July (even though this is the June issue) is to pick a move or sleight that you perform regularly and practice it in front of a mirror. Then take another move that you don’t perform regularly that you want to learn and practice that in front of a mirror even if you don’t perform it for a live audience. What I want you to do is see progress. Pick a move that you’ll never do for an audience. It doesn’t matter. What you need to do is continue improving your skill set and your ability to learn.
You (we) need to practice more, read more, study more, reignite that flame and that passion by studying and becoming a student of the art again. Now I am also aware that many of your are new to magic and you are still beginners and you have a passion for studying that some of us old dogs have let slip a little. So learn from us. Don’t let the passion die. Stop watching YouTube videos about magic. Cynicism is a place you don’t want to be, and YouTube will put you there. But beware young grasshopper. Cynicism will sneak up on you, the unsuspecting would be magi. She is a Smooth Criminal.
Now go study the classics, and go discover your true magical self.
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