Oopsie . . .

Ok folks . . . I know this is a total cop out, but hear me out.

I’ve spent the last week with 2 ear infections, strep, bronchitis, and a sinus infection . . . yep . . . all at once. On top of that I really was pushing to get the new updates to the site done in time, and of course the other distraction was the Frixion DVD shoot. With that said, I totally spaced my (our) assignment to pick a random trick and play with it for a month.

I picked the trick and even practiced the handling a few times, but that’s it. I haven’t performed it for a single human. I also noted that pretty much nobody got involved with the experiment, so at the risk of two failed months in a row, I’m going to extend the activity and ask that you join in the fun. You can either post your results here or post them on the original article from Last Month.

Remember, everyone who participates will be entered in a drawing for a free copy of the Frixion DVD, and if last month’s “turn out” is any indication as to how many people participate, then your chances of winning are darn good!

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