Journals (Part III of III) (Part III)
By Brad “Scarnecky” Gordon

Well, we’ve covered how to capture information, where to capture it and even what to do with it. Let’s move to the next and final level by learning how to tap into our inner-creativity.

Try this little experiment: Obtain an everyday glass of water and take a drink from this glass, it feels normal?  It feels routine, right?  Now instead of using your normal grip try turning your hand upside down, and grasp the glass with palm up.  Now take a drink from the same glass using this grip.

This is what will happen when you continue inputting ideas into your journal.  One day, while perusing your work of wonders, you happen to read something and see/view “it” from a different angle- new light bulbs start flashing, shinning fresh light upon older ideas. There will be times when journal entries may be more scarce than not so it’s important to take a few moments hear and there grabbing the closest journal, the closest colored pen, open up your journal at the next available page and simply ask yourself these questions.

If I could really do magic or what is in my eyes “real” mentalism, what would I do? What kind of an experience would I want another mentalist to give me?

Challenge yourself:
Ask yourself soaring questions- no matter how far fetched they may seem.  By doing this you add many wonderful angles from which to view your magic and mysteries.  For example I will give you a question or challenge that I entered into my own personal “Magic Journal” 15 years ago.

“What if George Lucas called me one day and asked me for assistance on a Star Wars project?  And He specifically needed someone to secure a few months for developing some magical/ gambling moves or quaint little happenings that will NOT appear readily recognizable to the modern day earthling”. So what would you do? A very interesting question that really sets the bells, whistles and wheels in motion, eventually producing such unique and wonderful ideas.

I am quite sure that you are already thinking about what YOU would do. In a sense, challenging questions like these cause one to almost start from scratch, creating fictional games and rules to base these magical “concepts/challenges” upon. Sounds enjoyable, does it not?  This is another example of breaking down the barriers backing up a little bit, looking at the whole picture, the motivation the situation, the pure fun.

As I am writing now, I have successfully formulated a little challenge inside of the wonderful arena of mentalism.  And please use this for your current or new journal. What if by some unfortunate situation you could not speak, and all that you had on your person was a note pad, something to write with, and the smile on your face?. And inside of this challenge the only thing you could do (because of limited strength) was write 2 words at a time to present a piece of mentalism to someone. What would you do?

What kind of experiences or ideas does this highly suggestive challenge/question create right now? Please take a moment to write this down. In a very real sense this type of practice does suggest carrying limits, however once the specific challenge has pushed the edges of creativity and ideas- THEN you can allow the boundaries to expand.

For example- if by chance you had thought about applying a nail writing routine to the above challenge, and of course held true to the challenge of NOT speaking.  Well once the basic idea has arisen, maybe all you need to do is add one simple word to really create a spooky magical moment. This works perfectly, for your desired outcome, and is a great example of being flexible and adaptable.

Share your thoughts with a trusted peer:
As this needs no explanation, there are some moments when it’s necessary to trust a comrade for sharing some of the neat ideas you have been collecting.  In my experience this allows for some very wondrous mind opening sessions.  Your friend will be able to listen, watch and then give some great feedback pertaining to one or many of your ideas, providing a point of view which you may or may NOT have been able to see on your own.

Consequently your own idea being bounced back to you under new light will quite possibly stimulate combinations and considerations which in that moment allow for the creation of something completely NEW and even quite practical to your needs. I have certainly experienced this on numerous occasions and I will continue to do so for the rest of my days.

With Thanks:
There are secret doors that open every day in our minds.  We frequently pass them by, because we just might not be able to recognize them. It will be quite challenging to pass by the door ways in your journal, and as you place the key of inspiration into each lock, you may find it’s very easy to simply turn the handle to discover whole worlds of creativity right before your very eyes. I solidly believe in this concept and I bid you amazing moments and entries into the mysterious unknowns.

With Greatest Thanks

Brad “Scarnecky” Gordon

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