Move Your Audience Like Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is beautiful, has the voice of an angel and amazing passion and talent. Her music tells her story. You learn who she is from her performances. Take a peek at the following video. It’s a live version of her amazing song Dear John. Pay particular attention right around …

Stupid Faro

Stupid Introduction Man! Stupid Faro Shuffle. I have a love/hate thing going with the Faro. On the one hand, you can be an amazing, talented, entertaining, professional magician without ever learning the Faro. On the other hand, however, there are so many great effects that can be done if you …

The Magic of Karma

Some months I have more money than other months. Sound familiar? Over the years, I’ve learn from experience that generosity with money brings more money and/or at the very least, good karma. So on the months when I can afford to go through the drive through at the nearest artery-clogger …

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