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Instant Downloads are Here!

Instant Downloads are an Instant Hit! Now for the first time ever, you can download original performance footage from Jay Sankey’s Underground Jam. Even before the public announcement, a few of these downloads have already been ordered.  This video was my debut to the magic community. Many of you who …

Coming Soon!

Lectures There is a slight possibility that I’ll be doing a mini lecture tour in July. I’m still working out the details. If you think your club might be interested, check out my lecture site. Stone Frixion Fire Keep your eyes peeled for this one. My latest E-Book will be …

Other Sites

Gemstones Teaser: Due to the holiday rush, and a few circumstances beyond my control, Gemstones has not quite made it to the replicators. However, the master is done, and should be off to the replicators in January 2009. Hang in there gang. Thanks for your patience. Here’s some exciting news, …