The Mechanic

Free Magic - Stone Cold Magic MagazineI have a good friend who is an amazing mechanic. At least 4 or 5 thousand times a day, someone will discover that he’s a mechanic and ask him a question about a car problem that they’re experiencing. He always has a good answer and some good direction and advice for the curious car owner. Of course, the beauty is that in most cases, this results in my friend taking on a new customer. So the free advice resulted in some cash.

Other than the multiple times I’ve used this phrase in an article, how many times have you heard this phrase: “Oh, you’re a magician, show me a trick.”

Do you respond with some excuse or complaint as to why you can’t at the moment? Or do you throw out some line like, “I only perform when I’m paid” or “Hey you’re a doctor, remove my wart for free.”

My opinion of how to handle these scenarios has changed over the years. Right now, I’m leaning toward, just do a darn trick. It could make you money! So that means that you’ve got to be able to do some decent magic on the spur of the moment without asking to borrow a deck of cards, unless of course your card repertoire has been inspired by this month’s Roots and Branches, A Deck Full of Burgers.

Assuming you’re not “there” yet, let’s talk about your non-card repertoire. Can you blow someone away with a handful of borrowed change? Can you do something incredible with what’s laying around in the environment? Should you wear a P.K. ring at all times, just in case? Do you carry B’Wav in your wallet? Eugene Burger does. Does that mean you should?

These questions can only be answered by you. Being prepared with a totally impromptu effect or two can literally make you thousands of dollars, so be ready to astonish at a moment’s notice.

Until Next Month . . .

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