Dropin The Bomb

Openly show a drawing that looks like a Rubik’s Cube on a 3 by 5 index card. Tell your audience that it’s a Rubik’s Cube. Hold the card in your hand as the spectator crumbles up a piece of “magic paper” and places it on the drawing.

As she lights the paper, the drawing appears to melt through the card and fall through the paper and become real. That’s right, a real live mini Rubik’s Cube that can be handed out.

This is just a variation on the Evanescence effects found in the Stone Frixion Fire DVD and e-book. Rather than the object being wrapped up in the flash paper, you have a mini Rubik’s Cube finger-palmed, and you drop it as the flash paper goes up in flames. The three photos below should help clarify.

Rubik's Cube Magic
Rubik's Cube Magic
Rubik's Cube Magic
You’ll want a key-chain cube for this effect. Take the key chain off. As for drawing the cube, refer back to Rubik’s Cubin’ (an earlier effect in the book).The difference is that every color needs to be done with Frixion® ink. Start by drawing the squares with a black Frixion® pen. Next, fill in the squares with different colors.

You only need to use 3 colors. You can use a fourth color if you’d like, but a drawing like the one above in the middle communicates “mixed up cube.” Unlike Rubik’s Cubin’ (From Stone Frixion Fire), in this effect the cubes don’t have to be fully colored in. The drawing just needs to be colorful and look mixed up.

I would suggest having several cards made up and ready to go in your shirt pocket. Have the cube in your left pants pocket. You could also use the highlighters here, but I find that the pens work just fine.

Show the card with the cube drawing on it. You can use the presentational angle (what do you think of when I say “1980’s”) from Rubik’s Cubin’ for this trick.As you hand out a piece of flash paper to the spectator, secretly steal the cube out of your pocket into finger palm. Next, hold the card between your two hands as in the middle photo on the previous page.

Ask the spectator to place the “magic paper” on the drawing of the cube. Just before you have her light it, ask someone else to cup his/her hands together beneath yours. As a spectator lights the paper, the flame will provide enough misdirection to simply open and close your right fingers allowing the cube to appear in the spectator’s hand.

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