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The Saga

Stick To Your Guns

For those of you – I know you’re out there – who bought my book, Stone Cold Magic, when I first released it in 2002, you will recognize this title. More recently, those of you who have purchased my DVD Stone Cold Magic, you’ll know this effect by its accurate …


I’m tired of living in the shadow of the Half-Dollar! I am valuable; I’ll show that worthless half dollar who the real boss is. Nobody serves the “Bills” like I do! But do I get credit? NO! All I hear is Kennedy Half this and Kennedy Half that, well that’s …

Counterfeit Cards

As he came to, his head was spinning. He had a vague recollection of a vision of a pair of Twos and the King of Clubs. As he slowly regained consciousness, he began to feel more and more out of place. “I feel like I’m surrounded or being watched, but …