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The Diamond Mine

Shimshi or Slap Jack

This month I played and I mean played with a new twist on the Las Vegas Leaper by Paul Harris.  The version is Shimshi’s 10-13-20. I was never a fan of the Las Vegas Leaper because it seemed pointless to me considering it has no plot to speak of.  Well …

Pen bending? You’re kidding right?

Mirage, very aptly titled.  Do you know what that great oasis in the desert looks like?  Me neither!  At first I thought I saw a great trick here, but then it vanished just like evaporating water in the desert. Simply you are supposed to, with your mind, bend a normal …

The Tale of Two Packet Tricks

Another month of aging is under my belt and I can’t help but wondering just how Jeff manages to review everything that crosses his mailbox.  It’s utterly amazing just how much product the magic industry produces.  What’s even more amazing is broad spectrum of quality, spectacular to ok, mediocre to …