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The Diamond Mine

Sorry Folks

Hey gang . . . It’s my fault. Jim and I have both been way too busy to hook up and talk magic this month. So we have nothing to review for your in the Diamond Mine. However, we will hook up for the September issue. Meanwhile, we want to …

You’ve Separated What?

Greetings and salutations, I am a huge fan of Card Warp and I perform it regularly, so Siamese Twins excited me greatly.  The entire premise and the story of Siamese twins was more than enough for me find time to dedicate to actually putting it to work. Within a short …

Siamese Twins – Next Month

Hey gang . . . no – it’s not Diamond Jim . . . It’s the other guy. So this month Jim’s mission was to work on and perform Siamese Twins,  however, I got the DVD to him pretty late in the month. Additionally, he was slammed with gigs, and …