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Roots and Branches

You Really Love Me

You Really Love Me!

Are you after that ever elusive standing ovation? Do you want your audience to love you, remember you, talk about you, etc.? Who doesn’t? Well, I won’t guarantee a Standing “O” but take a few minutes to watch the following video of Benji Bruce performing. Watch the whole thing to …

Sent From My Oral-B Toothbrush

There’s nothing new under the sun . . . you’ve all heard it, and many (maybe even most) of you believe it. I say . . . B.S.! It’s total crap. Things change; the world progresses; we grow. New stuff under the sun appears. Case in point. I recently got …

Take it Personally

This month . . . Short and Sweet. A cyber-buddy of mine, Paul Watts and I recently had an email conversation about his version of one of my effects, Visa 2.0 from my Gemstones DVD. What follows is an excellent lesson in applying the principles taught in November 2012’s Issue …