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Roots and Branches

Grab a Root and Branch Out

The entire purpose of this sentence is to make absolutely clear the purpose of this sentence. Meaning? I have no idea. But it sounds philosophical; I love self-referential references, and it comes from a great book, Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern by Douglas R. Hofstadter. …

Clean Up Your Act!

Whew! Man that was a fun show! I’m sweating (in a good way) from all the energy in the room. I got to the show 2 hours early to make sure everything was set up right. Then the show was an hour long. Then I mingled with the guests for …

Add the Element of F.I.R.E. to Your Magic

I’m an avid journal-writer-in-er . . . particularly when it comes to things magical. The problem is that sometimes I write down something that I heard/saw/read somewhere else. I write it down with the intention of using it in my own work . . . maybe a move that I …