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Roots and Branches

Beware of the Yeah-Buts

Raise your hand if you want me to criticize you! I’m guessing nobody raised a hand. If I said, “raise your hand if you want me to critique you” I’ll bet more hands would go up. The problem is that most people mistake a critique for criticism. A criticism requires …

Remember the Feeling

Recently I was listening to an old episode of The Magic Newswire podcast where they interviewed Kozmo. Before I get to that point, let me point out that if you don’t subscribe to that podcast, stop reading this article and go subscribe. The interview with Kozmo was awesome. I’m a …

Custom Connections

You’re pumped up; You’re energy’s high; Table number 4 requested “The Magician.” You walk over there and everyone seems nice. You introduce yourself. You pull out a deck of cards, and that’s when it happens. The spectator says the most retarded thing you can imagine: “I’ve seen this one.” Doesn’t …