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Pillars of Stone

The End

You may notice that the participation in this column’s exercise for the past two months has been . . . well . . . let’s just say that there are more peanuts in a bag of airline peanuts than there was participation on this column. I’m just as “guilty.” I …

Oopsie . . .

Ok folks . . . I know this is a total cop out, but hear me out. I’ve spent the last week with 2 ear infections, strep, bronchitis, and a sinus infection . . . yep . . . all at once. On top of that I really was pushing …

Breaking the Box

This month, I thought it would be fun to do a creativity exercise. I want you to report on your experience, so make sure you leave a comment. Go to your collection of  Books, VHS’s and DVDs. Ignore any one trick DVDs and packet tricks, etc. Now have a non-magi …