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No Stone Left Unturned

Taxes For Magicians, Part II

Taxes for Magicians, Part II: Write-Offs, Right On! by William Brough, MBA, PB It is now time to make it unclear to write off lines that don’t make sense On A Plain, Nirvana Last time, we talked about possible business structures that could entitle a magician to take write-offs on …

Taxes for Magicians, Part 1

In last month’s No Stone Left Unturned column, I mentioned some information about taxes. Well this month, I was able to pull my accountant away from his ten key and shift his focus to a key board. Please welcome a guest writer for this month and next to help you …


Separation By Jeff Stone Introduction: It’s that time again… The tax man cometh. I’ve been doing magic for a long time now. However, last year was the first year that I actually tried to separate my personal finances from my business finances. What a pain, and you need to do …