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No Stone Left Unturned

When to Charge

People often ask me the question, “How much should I charge?” Or “What’s a good rate/fee for a show?” etc. While that’s a great question, I think the more important question is “When should I charge?” What makes you think you should charge? Is your show worthy of payment? Are …

Marketing is For Laymen

March 18th . . . a red-letter day in the Stone family. That’s the day, in 1948, that my father was born. On what would have been his 63rd birthday (he passed away in 2005), I served in my son’s school under the Watch D.O.G.S. program. At the beginning of …

Publicity Stunts

As Oscar Wilde once stated, “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” They say that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. That’s more true than most people realize. Think about all of the other forms of advertising: radio, T.V., billboard, etc …