Updated Products

What’s New?

Saving Money on SCM Products:
Alrighty, then… it’s official… we have three new products… sort of… Ok, not really. But hang in there. I think you’ll like this. First of all, the Collaboration project that Jay Sankey, Joe Diamond, Eric LeClerc and I did (Underground Jam) is now available at www.stonecoldmagic.com.

The best part, however, is that it comes with the special cards needed to perform my effect Kingside Castling. You can now get Underground Jam and the special cards for $25.00. You won’t find that deal anywhere else.

But wait… there’s more. You also can now get my DVD Stone Cold Magic with the extra cards for My Psychic Deck, Counterfeit Cards, Jackson Hole, Tricycle, and Sardeen Window also for only $25.00. You won’t find that deal anywhere else either.

Finally, if you really want to save some cash, you can get both UJ and SCM with all of the above extra cards mentioned for only $40.00 saving you another $10.00 bucks… That DEFINITELY a deal you won’t find anywhere else.

Of course, as always, shipping is free world-wide.

The $10.00 savings will end on March 15, 2008, and the first 10 orders will receive their choice for free of any of the following:

  • Svengali Deck (Bicycle)
  • Blank Back Deck (Bicycle)
  • Deck of Cards (Bicycle)
  • 2 Mini Decks (Bicycle)

Thanks again for the continued support!

Newsletter Facelift:
For the loyalists out there, you may notice a few minor modifications to the “look and feel” of the newsletter site. Let me just briefly cover those:

  • Sidebar: In the side bar you will find a handful of items in this order from top down: Donation button, Search Box, Articles organized by column (rather than by monthly issue), Articles organized by monthly issue. Below you find greater detail about each feature.
    • Searching: As many have noted, the search feature was broken. It is now functioning just groovy. Just type in the word or phrase you want, and a list of every article containing that phrase will show up on the left. Sorry about it being broken so long.
    • Donations: I love doing this newsletter, and apparently many of you enjoy it as well, so thank you! The donation button on the top of the sidebar is there for anyone feeling generous. Any donations to offset the costs of the web hosting and the email service are greatly appreciated.
    • Columns: You will also note that near the top of the side bar you will find a “folder” for each of the columns for each month. This groups all free tricks together from all issues, all reviews from all issues, all Roots and Branches articles, etc. By clicking on one of the column names on the right, the left side of the screen will be populated with each of the monthly articles. You can also just expand the folder by clicking the “plus” sign.
    • Monthly: You may notice that the side bar navigation is a bit different. It’s now listed two different ways. For the purest who wants to be able to view each month as its own entity, you’ve still got it. On the bottom of the side bar, you can still select the year, then month, then the articles that you would like to read.
  • Ratings: At the end of each article and free trick, you will find a place to “like” the article or trick on a scale from 1 to 5. All you have to do is click. It takes no time. The intent is to make long term adjustments based on what you, the reader like the most. All of the previous articles and tricks have a rating “section” as well, so if you’re feeling frisky, you can go back and “like” some of the previous issues. Either way, please make sure you “like” the current and future articles and tricks. It’s just a single click and you’re done. Thank You!
  • Printing: By popular demand, you will find that there is now a “printer friendly” version of articles and free tricks. Right above the column name on the left just below the “feet” of the SCM logo, you will see a link that says “[Printer Friendly].” Just click on that, and you’ll have a clean printer version.
  • Misc: Finally, you may notice a few little things here and there like the fancy effect on the menu when you collapse it, and a couple of other minor visual changes. Thanks for the input and ideas. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the changes.

If you wouldn’t mind, please “like” how much you like the layout of the newsletter:


Be sure to pick up a copy of April 2008’s Genii Magazine as soon as it becomes available. You’ll be able to get a sneak peak at one of Cameron Francis’ effects featured on his New DVD Set The Omega Mutation. For your reading pleasure, The Appearing Sharpie is being published in Genii Magazine this April.

It’s just what it sounds like… An appearing Sharpie marker. An empty cap is shown, and a marker appears in the cap. It’s examinable, and no sleeves requires… check it out.

I’ll be doing a full review Cameron’s DVD set in April’s newsletter.

Thank you, as always for the support! May the force be with you.