Really? A top Hat and a Cape!?

Does your business card have a any of the following items on it:

  • Rabbit
  • Magic Wand
  • Magic Hat
  • A Trail of Stars

There are others, but these are among the worst offenders. Let’s break the mold folks. I think we’re all tired of the cliches and stereotypes surrounding us. It’s old and moldy gang. When we break this mold, we’ll be ridding ourselves of some mold as well, and a lot of people are allergic to mold, so you’ll be doing them a favor.

My plan is not to tell you how to dress or what your business card should look like. However, my plan is to tell you what not to wear and what not to put on your business cards and stationary. Even the most formal of formal shows is so much more “casual” than a “casual” show of 100 years ago was. Where on the timeline are you stuck?

I want you to take a good hard look at yourself and your marketing material. Anything that feeds into the ancient cliche of the magician as a children-only entertainer or a top hat-wearing rabbit-producing overdressed sophisticate needs to be removed. Consider consulting with an image consultant. Short simple and to the point gang . . . take the time to consider what you look like and what image you portray to your audience and potential clients.

Go to Google Images and type in the word “magician.” Sadly, you will find images that look like this:

Really? A Cape and a Top Hat

Is this the image we want? Until those images vanish from Google, we’ve got a lot of work to do!

Until Next Month . . .