
Epicenter: The Broken TwinkieRight from my best-selling DVD, Gemstones . . .

Woah . . . did you feel that? It was like the whole Earth shifted . . . woah . . . there it was again. What’s that crackling sound? I think I’m being violated, but it feels right . . . which is kind of wrong. Oh great . . . now I’m naked.

This is ridiculous. What the heck is going on!? My golden skin is exposed . . . ow . . . ouch . . . ow . . . owie . . . ow . . . what the heck!?

Someone just, literally, ripped me in two and right at the Epicenter of the pain is a hundred dollar bill sticking out of my exposed gut . . . that ain’t right, and neither is this episode of The Saga.