You’ve Separated What?

Greetings and salutations,

I am a huge fan of Card Warp and I perform it regularly, so Siamese Twins excited me greatly.  The entire premise and the story of Siamese twins was more than enough for me find time to dedicate to actually putting it to work.

Within a short time I was changing my mind.

This is one of those tricks that you have to have the right finesse.  I found that no matter how much I practiced the routine, I was not comfortable with it.

The first phase is straight forward.  The second phase has a discrepancy that I was not able to reconcile.  I have performed many tricks with discrepancies and most of the time they go unnoticed, but this time even my kids pointed it out.  Now if a fourth grader can spot it, I would bet dollars to donuts that most adults can find it too.

In the third phase you actually boldly expose the secret.  I was not able to find the finesse to show this without it looking obvious.

There are other flaws with the trick as well.  You have to have a perfect card; the margins have to be ideal.  In order for the premise of the story to work it must be a court card.

Bottom line, I still prefer Card Warp.

I was torn by this one.  I bet if I had a good deal of time to work on this one, I could indeed find that finesse.  However a month, or two, just won’t cover it.  Another card will.  I “like” it 2 out of 5 a lump.

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